Fees For Non-Routine Services
Service | Existing Clients | Non-Exisiting Clients |
Preparation of Unaudited Financial Statements | From $450 | From $550 |
Preparation of Unaudited Financial Statements in XBRL Format (Includes a set of Financial Statements and the XBRL file which will be uploaded to BizFinX) | From $600 | From $700 |
Annual Return Filing (Includes the filing fee payable to ACRA) | $160 | $300 |
Preparation and Filing of Director's Resolution | $100 | $200 |
Preparation and Filing of Annual General Meeting Documents | Free | $300 |
Preparation and Filing of Extraordinary General Meeting Documents | $300 | $450 |
Allotment of Shares (includes subscription agreement and shareholders' resolutions and filings) | $350 | $500 |
Reduction of Share Capital (Non-Court Order Method) | $450 | $600 |
Registration of GST | $300 | $400 |
Application and Filing of Extension of Time (EOT) | $350 | $500 |
Filing of Cessation of Business | $200 | $200 |
Striking off of Company | From $300 (Depends on the complexity of the matter) | From $500 (Depends on the complexity of the matter) |
Winding Up | From $600 onwared (depending on complexitiy of case and number of filings) | From $600 onwared (depending on complexitiy of case and number of filings) |
Company Stamp | From $35 (Depending on size) | - |
Company Seal | From $90 (Depending on size) | - |
Registration of Trademark (includes IPOS fees) | $780 (per trademark per class) | $880 (per trademark per class) |
Filing of C-S / C-S (Lite) | From $300 | From $300 |
Filing of Form C | From $700 | From $700 |
Filing of ECI | From $300 | From $300 |
In line with promoting a more transparent fee structure, this is our firm’s fees for non-routine services.