Reducing the amount of corporate taxes your company pays in Singapore can be achieved through various legitimate strategies and tax planning techniques. Here are some effective ways to optimize your tax liabilities:

  1. Utilize Tax Incentives and Exemptions: Singapore offers several tax incentives and exemptions to encourage business growth and investment. Take advantage of schemes such as the Partial Tax Exemption (PTE) for qualifying small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the Tax Exemption Scheme for New Start-Up Companies, and the Global Trader Programme (GTP), among others.
  2. Maximize Deductions and Allowances: Ensure that you claim all eligible business expenses, deductions, and allowances to reduce your taxable income. This includes expenses such as employee salaries and benefits, rental expenses, utilities, professional fees, research and development (R&D) costs, and capital allowances for machinery and equipment.
  3. Optimize Capital Structure: Carefully structure your company’s capital to minimize tax liabilities. Consider the use of debt financing (interest expense is tax-deductible) versus equity financing to optimize your capital structure and reduce taxable income.
  4. Utilize Group Relief: If your company is part of a group structure, you may be able to optimize tax liabilities by offsetting the losses of one group member against the profits of another. This can be achieved through the Group Relief System, which allows eligible companies to transfer unused losses to profitable group entities.
  5. Explore Tax Treaties and Planning: Singapore has an extensive network of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements (DTAs) with numerous countries. Understand the tax implications of cross-border transactions and explore opportunities for tax optimization through tax treaties, transfer pricing arrangements, and tax-efficient structuring of international operations.
  6. Invest in Productivity and Innovation: Take advantage of tax incentives and grants available for productivity-enhancing investments and innovation activities. This includes the Productivity and Innovation Credit (PIC) scheme, which provides tax deductions or cash payouts for qualifying expenditure on productivity and innovation projects (Please note that the PIC scheme lapsed after YA 2018. There are newer schemes that provide more targeted incentives and grants.).
  7. Consider Intellectual Property (IP) Planning: Singapore offers tax incentives for companies that hold and exploit IP rights. Explore opportunities to structure your IP holdings in a tax-efficient manner, such as through the use of IP holding companies or licensing arrangements.
  8. Stay Compliant and Transparent: Ensure that your company complies with all tax regulations and reporting requirements in Singapore. Maintain accurate records, file tax returns on time, and engage in transparent communication with tax authorities to avoid penalties and disputes.
  9. Seek Professional Advice: Tax planning can be complex, and regulations may change over time. Consider engaging tax advisors, accountants, or legal experts with expertise in Singapore’s tax laws to develop a customized tax strategy tailored to your company’s needs and objectives. Raffles Corporate Services has a tax planning team that can work with your company on tax-related matters.

By implementing these strategies and staying proactive in tax planning, you can effectively reduce the amount of corporate taxes your company pays in Singapore while remaining compliant with applicable laws and regulations. If you need assistance with tax-related matters, you can contact the Raffles Corporate Services tax planning team at [email protected].


Yours sincerely,

The editorial team at Raffles Corporate Services